Bronze Openwork Lotus Mandala Pendant 31x22mm


Consider this bronze openwork lotus mandala a symbol of wholeness, meditation, and healing. In this many petaled flower charm, the lotus becomes a mandala - a visually appealing, overlapping, geometric form that helps quiet chattering thoughts, appeasing the spirit. From its center to its rim, this mandala's symmetry and beauty is exquisite.

Drop onto a finished chain, and this necklace becomes a great gift for friends going through difficult transitions, like a far away move, loss of a loved one, or a career change. All the open spaces between the petals afford you plenty of spots to connect additional design elements, like more charms and beads.

Take a moment to explore more lovely charms in our Mandala Collection. Length measurement includes the 5mm soldered jump ring. See our measurement guide.

Our bronze is a high-quality Italian alloy of copper and tin that contains an anti-tarnish compound which delays, but does not eliminate, eventual oxidation. Read more about our bronze in our FAQs.


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19 (pc) in Stock

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Made in Bali, IndonesiaMade in Bali, Indonesia



mm - millimeters
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