Order Total Discounts  -Details & Restrictions


Buy in bulk & save with Order Total Discounts. For every $250 you spend on regularly priced merchandise Nina Designs will honor a $25 discount. Spend $250, save $25 off your total. Spend $500, Save $50! 

To add order total discounts to your order, simply click the Active Promotions link found at the bottom of the shopping cart page. Select the discount that is applicable to your order by clicking the "Add" button. One discount code per order.


Discount Promotional Code Discount Amount Based on the Order Subtotal
25Discount250. $25 off orders with a subtotal between $250.00 and $499.99 
50Discount500. $50 off orders with a subtotal between $500.00 and $749.99 
75Discount750. $75 off orders with a subtotal between $750.00 and $999.99
100Discount1000. $100 off orders with a subtotal between $1000.00 and $1249.99 
125Discount1250. $125 off orders with a subtotal between $1250.00 and $1499.99 
150Discount1500 $150 off orders with a subtotal between $1500.00 and $1749.99 
175Discount1750 $175 off orders with a subtotal between $1750.00 and $1999.99 
10Percent2000 10% off orders over $2000


Please Note Restrictions: Sold out items that do not qualify for backorder do not count towards invoice total discounts and will be removed during processing.  We automatically backorder items that are sold out when they total $30 or more per individual style number. Sold out items that value less than $30 per individual style number will not be backordered–please re-order at a future date. Read more about our  Backorder Policy.

Nina Designs reserves the right to remove and adjust discounts if neccesary. Applying multiple discount codes may delay your order. One discount code per order. Please note that discounts do not apply to shipping costs.

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