Good Luck Symbols from Around the World!


Who say’s it has to be Saint Patrick’s Day for Good Luck? 

Offer your customers a wide variety of Good Luck Charms all year round! From Clovers toLadybugs, from Pigs to Dolphins, you are sure to find something to please everyone. So let’s explore some of the hidden meanings of these international Good Luck Charms… 

Elephants – The Elephants are a symbol of health, longevity, love, wealth, and virtue. In some cultures Elephant figurines are placed on shelves and by doorways to ensure longevity and luck. The Ganesha, also known as Ganapati and Vinayaka, is a Hindu God of Luck. With his multiple arms and elephant head, he is is widely revered as the remover of obstacles, the patron of arts and sciences and the keeper of intellect and wisdom.

Four Leaf Clovers – The four leaf clover is an ancient Irish symbol of Luck. The Celtics believed that the clover would help them see fairies and avoid fairy tricks. There are many varieties of Clovers but the true lucky ones come from a white clover plant. The four leaves stand for faith, hope, love & luck. 

Pigs – Both Chinese and European cultures believe that Pig Charms have the power to bring good luck. Pigs are a symbol of wealth, good fortune, and prosperity! 

Horseshoes – Horseshoes symbolize good luck, power over evil, good fortune and fertility. The horseshoe is often associated with the horse’s strength and dependability. Many people believe it is best to hang a horseshoe with the open end facing upward – so your good luck won’t fall out!


Ladybugs – Ladybugs are a popular insect worldwide. In Germany ladybugs are literally called lucky bugs “Glueckskaefer”. Some cultures believe that if a ladybug lands on you and you don’t brush it off you will be lucky. And some ladybugs are luckier than others! You will be extra lucky if you spot a deep red ladybug with lots of spots. 

Shooting Star – A falling or Shooting Star grants the person lucky enough to see it a secret wish! A shooting star means that you have a chance to make all of your dreams come true. 

Dolphins – Dolphins are considered lucky in the Ancient Culture of Greece, Egypt & Rome. Ancient Sailors at sea found the sighting of a Dolphin to be a sign that land was near. This lucky charm would be perfect to keep someone safe who loves the sea.  

Keys – A key is one of the most important symbols of luck and one of the oldest charms. A key that is given between lovers in considered a symbol of unlocking the door to the heart. The giver of the key will be “lucky in love”. The Ancient Greeks and Romans believed keys represented the “Key of Life” which held the power to unlock the doors to send prayers to reach the gods. 

These are just a few examples of some of the many animals, plants and objects that people carry to bring them protection, success, health and of course…GOOD LUCK!

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