What's That Sound? Exploring the Complex Meaning Behind Ohm!
by Magdalena
I have chanted Ohm as part of yoga and meditation classes and was familiar with the sound Ohm. Working at Nina Designs, I see the Ohm symbol regularly as it is offered in many different styles and finishes. We carry a variety of Ohm Yoga Spirit Pendants and Charms, earrings, rings and even one with a diamond. After admiring so many Ohm pieces, I started to wonder what does the Ohm sound mean and is there any significance to the Ohm symbol.
Ohm is an ancient Sanskrit word that is considered by many Eastern religions as the Primal Sound. In these religions, it is believed that God created sound first and therefore Ohm is the seed sound of all creation. It is further believed that the Universe, the Gods, and all matter come from the sound Ohm. Therefore, Ohm encompasses everything: the beginning, the middle and the end of all. It is the past, the present and the future.
Ohm is considered the most sacred and famous mantra. Ohm is usually chanted at the beginning and end of most Sanskrit recitations, mantras, prayers, and texts. In our times, this sacred incantation is also made during meditation and spiritual activities such as yoga. Ohm is believed to have the same frequency as the Universe. Chanting Ohm can have a physical effect on the body, as it slows the over stimulated nervous system and calms the mind.
Ohm is one of the most important symbols in Hinduism. Ohm is found as part of the iconography in ancient and medieval era manuscripts, temples, monasteries and spiritual retreats not only in Hinduism, but in Buddhism and Jainism as well.
The symbol of Ohm consists of 5 parts: 3 curves, 1 semicircle, and 1 dot.
The Unconscious State: The upper curve represents the state of deep sleep or the unconscious. In this state, the subconscious is shut down and the sleeper does not dream.
The Waking State: The lower large curve represents the waking state of consciousness, it connects us to our own sense of something greater and is the state of consciousness most humans are in. In this state the consciousness is turned outward and we encounter the world through our five senses.
The Dream State: The Middle curve which lies between the first two curves, represents the dream state. In this state, consciousness is between deep sleep and waking and it is turned within.
Pure Consciousness: The dot or Bindhi signifies the fourth state of consciousness, which is the state of pure consciousness. This is also referred to as “The Absolute State” or “Turiya.” It is a peaceful, quiet state where the consciousness is focused neither inward nor outward.
Illusion/Maya State: The Semicircle that separates the dot from the 3 other curves, represents “Maya” or the Illusions that prevent us from realizing or reaching the highest state of consciousness.
The Ohm pieces at Nina Designs can be a great support for those on a spiritual path, moving from the unconsciousness to pure consciousness, reminding us to breathe deeply. I am so excited to start making Ohm jewelry now that I have a better understanding of what Ohm means and symbolizes! I will definitely start with styles A646, A910, A1190 and see where the inspiration carries me off to.